Boy howdy, was this game a disappointment.
Great concept for a 3D game where spheres of seasons can create new geography for challenges, open up new secrets, reveal hidden items/enemies/etc

Almost none of that happens.

Also, the real thing that made me stop giving the game any benefit of the doubt is that the game attempts a tongue and cheek "we're not being serious" vibe but only after the first two story beats, when one character says "Nobody pays attention to dialogue in video games anyway" to which they neither nailed the tongue-and-cheek aspect of such a joke, nor the lighthearted 4th wall breaking.

Not worth the time and effort to finish either, as from the 4th wall break, the quality of the game begins to continue to dip further and further

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2021

1 Comment

2 months ago

100% agree! This game needed, at least, another 2yrs in the development oven. I'm normally not a frame rate snob, but geez, Ary's atrocious frame rate will make anyone want to flush the card down the toilet (I have it on Switch). The graphics are also an eyesore. The story, characters, and world are generic, which I would've been willing to overlook, if everything else was solid... But it's absolutely not. Worst, and most despised game in my Switch library.