I already played this game but I wanted to replay it to see if it was as good as I imagined and I think there are some things that I didn't like like the Pokedex I imagined it better and the beginning of the game but it is still a great game.

Great fighting game and great story but in the long run it becomes repetitive

A very good generation, the gym leaders, very good designs and the climax is very cool with the legendaries, but for me the best is the delta episode with Tristana's final fight, my favorite of the entire saga and the very good conclusion.

OP: To be the first, it is a very good game, it has a very good story and the music is great..
Bad: Some runs are very tedious and some missions are bad
Good: The story, the characters and the protagonist and Mega, the music is also good.

At first I loved this game, I thought it was the best in the series, then I played it again and I hated it and I played it again and it wasn't that bad, it's a good game in the series but not one of the best

Very underrated game and the story seems to me to be the second best of the pokemon mysterious world, also hydreigon is god as a character and the music is very good it is true that the pace of the game is tedious and the bosses are not very memorable but the ending seems to me the best of the saga and the message it also gives:
Rhythm: 4
Final grade:5

Great Sonic game, impressive levels, very good music and very good story.
and on top of that one of my favorite characters debuts Blaze very god
Levels 10
Bosses: 7
Music: 10

Great game for the first Zero game but some levels are repeated and I don't like that.
The very difficult final battle
Final score:7

Great game, the scenes are very good and the beginning of the game is very good then it gets stuck a little but not too much and the bosses are wonderful and the music 9/10

Good game with a good story but the stages and enemies are very repetitive, the bosses are somewhat unfair and the story is very confusing.
Gameplay: 8
Levels: 6
Bosses: 5
Final: 3
Rhythm: 8

This was my first in the saga and I was blown away by scenes with great quality. The story is very good but a little confusing and can be confusing.
Favorite character: Loki
Best Boss: Balder

This game is my favorite game of all time, it is the pokemon with the best story and soundtrack, the character N is unbeatable, his story is unbeatable and how at the end it changes and the difficulty is very good, the team plasma theme is also god. Note: 10 story, Soundtrack: 10
Characters: 10

I replayed this game to see if it was the worst of the trilogy and I have to say that in some aspects such as the rooms or the minigames it gets worse but in the music and the combat it improves a lot and the cards too so I don't think it's that bad either.

The sequel to one of the best games on the DS and I think this game has nothing to compare to the other because it has very good characters, the bad thing is that the game doesn't start until the second week, the beginning is a bit of a nightmare but for the most part It's still a good game.
Bosses: 7
Final grade:7

Good game to be the first, it is very good, the story is nothing out of this world but the graphics are very good and the cinematics too, although sometimes I would like a little more difficulty and a little better plot of the story.
Final grade:7