Omori is a masterpiece in my eyes, I’ve never had a game before that I just instantly fell in love with until Omori. From the simple hand-drawn art style of battles and cutscenes, to the charming dialogue of the main characters and random NPCs everything is incredible. The story is a sad, emotional masterpiece with the best ending of anything I know of. The gameplay is simple enough to easily understand but still complex enough to stay interesting and allow strategizing throughout the full playthrough. The characters are(almost) all amazing(Basil is the best). The music is always fitting perfectly into the game’s events and has it does have a couple bops in it(Like the Sweetheart boss theme or Pyrefly Forest battle theme) but most of the best music comes from the atmospheric and sad songs there incredible especially in game. In terms of optional side content(which is just something I personally love in any game) there is a lot for a game as short as it, with side quests, secret bosses, and an entire extra route, it’s perfect for people who love doing optional content like me. The only small complaint that I have is that in some of the optional content there are little annoying things that are pretty much impossible to do without looking it up(btw googling Omori is just a really dumb way to spoil the game so I would recommend not doing that). Honestly, I could go on and on about Omori but I’ll leave it at a short “review”(aka me only saying good things about a game I love) and I hope whoever reads this will get to experience this amazing game for themself.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2021
