I miss the time of short indie horror games and this scratched that itch for me. It's a cool concept of being stuck underwater where you can't see anything while moving, and you can't move while seeing. All you feel is this overwhelming presence that something is watching you, just behind you, or maybe just beyond a corner.

Of course, it became clear that there is no literal conflict in this game like that. The only real danger in this game that can kill you is the obstacles that appear on your sonar that you have to traverse around. Despite that awareness however, Iron Lung does such a good job of capturing the feeling of claustrophobia and helplessness that it still FELT like something might just get me any second.

I think some of the terror wore off on me a bit once I started playing the game just really thinking about the numbers and course correction and stopped thinking about what was otherwise a dreadful scenario. Still, I think it's a delightful little horror game worth trying out if you like this sort of stuff.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022
