Used getting the rest of the DLC trophies as a pretext to lengthily play this all the way through for the 7th time

The arcade ticket trophy is SO STUPID I did do it tho

Every time I play this I compulsively collect every single piece of junk even tho I know I am about to stop playing and it all became useless ages ago when I had 10000 woods etc. : /

This is Older than I remember it being back in the day ...

also Stupider... the good/evil choices are so dumb... and meaningless like you can't decide who to believe etc. or which side to be on etc.

It thinks it's so much cooler than it is. what a profound choice to describe in your gravelly voice. "I could ask this guy to do something... or I could kill him and everyone else in the area ... hmmm ....."

However it is fun to zap things and the way that this game is stupid is kind of funny. Now immediately finally doing the evil (=Red) playthrough so as to platinum. After that I will probably think the karma system is even stupider

I played this on a mix of the PS+ streaming and on an actual PS3, which was handy for playing in 2 different rooms lol. It worked better on an actual PS3 than on the ghost of a PS3 projecting itself into a PS5.

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I was right that I would think the karma system is even stupider on evil playthrough. It is extremely obvious that the good (blue) option is the default choice. Would it have been so terrible if they had just made a game where you are a good guy with zapping powers.

Evil Side Mission: Kill the Cops
Mandatory Story Mission: Help the Cops

Whether evil or good, he still likes his friend and girlfriend and wants to keep them around etc.

You be Maximum Evil and kill everyone you see, but then you sass Kessler for "torturing people"

Evil Side Mission: Help Sasha do Evil Stuff
Main Story Mission: You hate her and call her "a psycho"

Evil Side Mission: Help Sasha do Evil Stuff with the assitance of Reaper Conduits
Reward: Area cleared of enemies (such as reaper conduits)

Evil Side Mission: Kill bad guys because you Hate them and they are your Enemies
Good Side Mission: Kill bad guys because they are going to hurt the innocent

Good Side Mission: Kill the First Sons and the garbage guys, who are fighting each other, with the assistance of police
Evil Side Mission: Kill the First Sons and the garbage guys, who are fighting each other, with the assistance of Reapers
the mission is identical red or blue version ...

Neutral Side Mission With No Effect on Karma: help the clinics get set up so they can heal people

Main Story Mission Where Trish is Strung Up:
Good Version: It was her, you rescue the doctors and she dies
Evil Version: It wasn't her, she was one of the doctors and she dies

The ending is also the same regardless of if you evilly activate the ray sphere or goodly try to destroy it. it explodes.

Final thought on good being the default. The evil powers such so much. They are all like eugh so cool and Brutal .. very Evil .. but they're all just like. Instead of one ball of electricity it's 2 and then 5 and then 7 or whatever. But none of the 7 hit anything it doesn't even work. Whereas the good ones are more effective at killing guys (by making them stay still etc)

Dumb !!!

Not a bad game but unless you are trophy hunting just do the Blue version