Once the credits started to roll I found I was pulling face like someone had just farted.

The writing in this is mostly quite good, the music and presentation is wonderful but the plot - I'm just not sure.

Without spoiling it, Backbone moves on from being "just a detective story" into some strange stuff and ends quite suddenly.
Not as sudden as being hit by a bus but that sort of sudden you feel when you trip on a curb and you know what's coming but time slows a second.

It was free as part of bundle on itch supporting Ukraine, so it has that in its favour.
There's a demo on steam which is the prologue and I'd say that it's worth playing to see and feel this game's world and presentation but it doesn't reveal what the game is or at least becomes so it doesn't do a good job there.

Maybe I need more time to sit and think about the game, the themes are interesting and as I said before writing, sound, graphics all of that is good but I feel like Backbone ends up being less than the some of its parts - at least that's how I feel while writing this.

Reviewed on May 01, 2022
