Funny to see a Poke game inspired by Inscryption using stuff from the GameBoy PTCG which inspired part of Inscryption.

I like what they've gone for but it's too grindy too many cards are similar even with the fun of Pokémon typing.

Above is what I said when Shelved this game and after grinding out to finish it I can sadly tell you that never really changed.

The things I like about this are taken from games which are far more enjoyable and well thought out.
It's probably going to turn out the programmer is a professional Pokémon TCG player now I'm going to say this but; I don't think they understand card games all that well.

The berry resource mechanic is half Inscryption's sacrifice and half your typical mana/energy thing you'd see in MTG/PTCG but it's both the poor halves of each.

There should be an advantage to reward the risk of taking a mix of berry types but there doesn't seem to be, it's not like Energy in PTCG a blue berry can summon every Type of Pocket monster in the game.
Placing the berries first rather than after is more annoying and having the separate deck doesn't work like Inscryption's Squirrels because you can sacrifice what is in play to get something else (hopefully better) out.

I could pick more a part from this game, it's progression trying to be like Inscryption but without any risk just encourages grinding and even doing so to "get ahead" like you might in a JRPG doesn't tend to work so grinding now does not stop grinding later.

When your card game has a poor resource mechanic and your risk/reward elements have no real risk your design is bad and this is sad.
I hate to slag off someone who's made something for free but in the end I only really got through this like I was playing an idle clicker and because my broken brain would not let me leave this unfinished before passing judgement.

Reviewed on May 31, 2022
