On a replay I finally get this game.

This is definitely a remake of the original Blaster Master. Very faithful level design philosphy, enemy behavior, and even your controls are extremely similar to the NES original. Where the game differs and really shines is in the tools you get to play with this go around.

Every weapon (except the stupid wide beam) has a lot of ways to use them effectively and well, it's pretty neat how versatile each tool can be for different situations. Weapons I used way more on the replay were the Mortar and Dash, but all the weapons are pretty fun honestly. Even the on foot weapons are all useful due to variable enemy weaknesses so you're never at a true disadvantage unless you're TURBO boned.

I also really like the small optional bits of story and dialogue you can have between Jason and Eve. It's really nice and cute, and it helps solidify their relationship to make the end of the game pay off better.

Still can't believe his last name is Frudnick though.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2022
