I know there are people who like this game but, I'm sorry, I think this game really isn't that fun

A lot of the decisions for this game feel either corporate mandated or were made specifically to be less like Smash Bros. without thinking if these decisions were good. The control scheme, for instance, doesn't really feel as intuitive and honestly I still have no idea which attacks are supposed to be "special moves".

The biggest problem with the game though is that no one seems to have any weight. The game feels weirdly floaty, and it doesn't help that every character can jump like four times, has air dashes, and a recovery move. Every fight feels like it's a Newton's Cradle; you hit someone, they come back, they hit you, you come back.

Basing the game around 2v2 fights is a neat idea, but a major problem with this is that some characters just become kinda useless if you want to play as them in 1v1, so there's a weird intentional unbalancing with how characters play.

Honestly the best thing about the game is that it looks good. The graphics and animations are actually pretty cool looking. It's just a shame they have to be in a game that isn't really worth playing.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
