Gargoyle's Quest is a lot like Zelda II, being an RPG where you explore dungeons in a 2D platforming format. Unlike Zelda II, towns are depicted like the overworld, being top-down, and the actual platforming is more of a focus considering the main character's ability to fly. The flying mechanic feels a bit strange; not bad, and it's hard to really explain why, but there's something about it that makes the game feel harder than it really is.

It's not a bad game on the whole (and some of its flaws are 100% because it's a Game Boy game) but it doesn't feel like a game I'd want to replay. You can easily cheat your way through some of the fights by positioning your enemies just off-screen; since it's a GB game, they don't move once they leave the screen so you can hit them and then push them off-screen before they attack.

One of the first quest items you need to find is called a Gremlin Stick. I don't know why but I find that hilarious

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
