Holy shit it's almost like faithfully recreating one of the best RPGs ever made in the style of the most visually and sonically appealing game in its series makes an already peak game even more peak or something who could have thunk it?

Yeah, I loved this. I loved the beautiful new visuals, I love (just about) all of the brand-new music, they added a handful of quality-of-life features that improve the game in the few places that it suffered from, and they also added a couple of brand new bosses at the end that are really tough and enjoyable to fight!

The only major thing keeping this from the 10 that it was SO CLOSE to is that while this remake did improve the backtracking issue, it didn't... fix it. Chapters 4-7 are still LADEN with backtracking that gets very tedious and dates this game that otherwise could have passed as a brand new game. That combined with the fact that this remake is a bit slower than the original, running at a consistent but noticeably lower 30fps compared to the original's 60 and having a slower text speed than the original. That latter point isn't a huge deal, and most of it can be fixed with a patch or you can just wait until the next console releases and this thing can run at 60.

Either way, I am so happy this game is finally getting a second chance with what is pretty handily the best way to play it and on modern consoles now too. This is pretty much the only chance we have at Paper Mario going back to being a turn-based RPG series so i hope all of yall put your money where your mouth is.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
