Overall, a pretty solid SRPG! The visuals and soundtrack are obviously incredible, and the maps and boss fights are actually pretty cool this time around. I don't know if I prefer this or Fire Emblem gameplay wise but it's overall not a bad attempt.

What dragged this game down was the story, pacing, and voice acting. The Voice Acting is whatever for most characters, I can tell that some of the actors are doing a good job, but there are a select few that are just not doing a good job. And that may be a biproduct of the quality of the story. Because the story is INCREDIBLY boring throughout. None of the dialogue or characters or ESPECIALLY the writing is good enough to demand as much time dedicated to it as it asks. Because there are many instances where you can go decently long stretches without gameplay, and the stuff OTHER than the gameplay is just super boring.

It's not endless, but It definitely feels that way at times. But I think that besides the story and just about everything surrounding it, the game is great! It's just that the game needed a story overhaul to really make me say that it's as great as everyone says it is.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2022
