
The Cuphead DLC may be one of the best DLC Expansions of All Time. While other DLCs may have had more content or of higher technical quality, The Delicious Last Course is everything that it needed to be. It's not just more Cuphead, It's cuphead but more.

The Run and Gun levels, frankly sucked. So that's why I'm glad they're no longer here. And there is only one plane fight, which is also good! They managed to remove all of the stuff that didn't work, and make it all about the stuff that did. The boss fights.

These new bosses are some of the best in the game, both visually and gameplay wise, with one in particular being my new favorite in the game. The bosses are as difficult as they've always been, but they are nowhere near as bullshit hard as, say, Grim Matchstick or Dr Kahl's Robot. They made even their already good boss design even better by removing the bullshit design elements.

And even on top of all of that, they still added a lot new to change up both this gameplay loop and the old game. Ms Chalice is this game's version of an easy mode as she has basically 3 charm slots for the price of one and her own super powerful special moves. However it doesn't make the game mindless, it makes it just simpler for people who can't handle cuphead's difficulty or play from the beginning of the game.

Because you can play through this DLC from as early as Inkwell Isle 1. And even after getting Chalice you can play as her throughout the base game, which makes replaying the base game interesting again! And on top of ALL of that there are a new selection of minibosses based entirely around your parry, with some being better with the standard jump parry, while others being better with chalice's parry dash.

I beat the entirety of DLC Island and it still says I'm 40% done with this DLC, so I have no clue what else is being hidden for me, but damned if I'm not ready to find out! This DLC is awesome and resparked my love for one of the best indie games of all time.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2022
