Oh my god this is one of the most dreadful experiences I've had in a while.

Callisto Protocol is practically 1/4th of a game. The visuals and music are stunning but it's hard to appreciate the few sequences that this game does well when it's in a technical state that makes Pokemon Scarlet and Violet piss itself.

But at least those games are genuinely good underneath. There is just absolutely nothing here.

The story leaves practically no impact as the characters do not have any sort of personality or stage presence that makes it work. The game also lacks any sort of themes to make its horror setting interesting, so it begs to ask what the point of exploring is.

Sorry, did I say explore? Oh yeah. You can't do that. The game is ultra linear, like, even by linear game standards. There are also no puzzles and VERY FEW bosses in the game.

Even more terminally is the fact that the combat in this game does not function like it should. Every fight is a borderline turn-based qte where you have to dodge all of the opponents attacks before hitting on your own. This results in the final boss and predicating mini bosses to be some of the most frustrating bosses I've played in a while. It's so fucking bad.

Between the shoddy performance, on-rails level design, disfunctional combat, and practically nonexistant story, this game somehow manages to both make me feel nothing and intense frustration and disappointment at the same time. I have no clue how you managed to do that, but here you are Callisto.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2022

1 Comment

The fuckin game director was BRAGGING about his studio doing crunch """"VOLUNTARILY"""" while also sick with covid of course the game turned out to be total DRIZZLING SHITS