This game is so awful that it quite literally bricked my Nintendo Switch. But it managed to do that ON TOP of looking like shit, having a boring story, and tedious combat with battles that can last up to an HOUR. When I recommend SWORD AND SHIELD over this, then you have fucked up, Game Freak.

This is not only the worst 3D Platformer I've ever played, but one of my least favorite games of all time. Once the minuscule charm from the opening cutscene and soundtrack fades out almost immediately, we are left with a buggy, unpolished, janky platformer with confusing level design, horrendous controls, the worst powerups I've ever seen in a video game and is just absolutely zero fun to play.

I truly feel bad for Yuji Naka, considering this was his only chance to make a Square Enix 3D Platformer, but the experience I had with this game was nothing short of absolute fucking torture.

A really solid improvement over the original. I do prefer the Dark Story over the Hero one, and I do think that it hasn't aged very well in a few places, and, I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I really did not like the Knuckles stages gameplay wise. I think this game could benefit from a modern remake to just touch up some of the dated stuff but otherwise, the story is good, every other type of level is fun, the bosses are cool, and the music is amazing!

Really like this one.

I am not going to go into the whole discussion about what Paper Mario should be and all of that stuff right now, but regardless Bug Fables was an absolute joy from start to end. The combat was fun as hell, the story was deep, the characters were memorable, the side quests were fun, the world of Bugaria was very interesting, and the music was pretty good. My only complaint is an unavoidable one. This game is pretty janky and buggy at times, not enough to ruin the game but enough to intrude at points. On top of that, there are one or two sequences, especially in chapter 4, that I really did not like, but I still love this game. I recommend all of you play it! This was an absolute delight and I can't wait for what Moonsprout does next.


To put it simply, the story is amazing but the rest of the game isn't interesting or quality enough to back the game up.

Just a really fun, solid beat-em up. That's really all I have to say. It's really fun, has great art and music, and it is pretty challenging even if the story isn't interesting at all and there were 1 or 2 bs moments here and there.

An imaginative, incredible co-op platformer that basically does what Balan Wonderworld TRIED to do with its story and succeeded.

The writing isn't.. the best.. and there are some character designs that just feel off, but overall the game is great and I can't wait to play it again!

It has been a month, so I feel like I can safely say my opinion on this game.

This is now my new favorite monster hunter due to its creative design, blood pumping battles, wealth of customization, some of the best graphics on the switch, and, most of all, the series-topping mobility that makes traversing the world, quick, fluid, and interesting.

I have logged over 80 hours in this game and if I didn't have other shit to do, I'd log in 80 more. Fantastic game.

Wait people actually want the main games to be exactly like this lol?

Like I get the animations and shit but like, the whole game? Pffffft

Now, if it wasn't for the frame rate issues on PC and the dated aspects of the game that weren't changed, then this game would beat Automata for me. As it stands I still like that game more, but this game's story, music, visuals and characters are simply on another fuckin level compared to literally every other game. This is an absolutely incredible journey that I would play again, and that is exactly what I'm doing.

Probably the most in-depth 99-game so far even if I like Tetris 99 more. The amount of effort that went into this one is staggering, but it sometimes has trouble keeping my attention, which results in me having far fewer games in the first few weeks of Pacman 99 than Tetris 99.

But Please. Don't remove this one. i swear to god.

A really fun game over 20 years in the making! This game completely invalidates any chance of me returning to the original as this game is just strictly better in almost every way.

I do miss evolutions and there are parts with obtuse direction, and yeah, some high-scoring images don't feel like high-scoring images, but this is still a beautiful, fun rail-shooter. I'm so happy this game turned out so well.

I have.. mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, the game itself is pretty fun. The combat is great, the game is beautiful, the soundtrack is good, and the story is decent. The problem is that I think the difficulty isn't well balanced at all, the performance isn't the most stable out there, the runs last for WAY too long, and because there is no way to save your game, even temporarily, I have lost 2 runs where I was at the final boss without dying. One due to a crash, and the other due to the game updating in the middle of my gameplay. So I beat my first run on my 3rd attempt at the final boss without dying. Fantastic.

This is not a bad game, but I'm not sure it's quite as fun or replayable as something like hades or risk of rain 2. Good, but not great.

This is a pretty good time, I'd say. I think the bosses are pretty bad and the story is a bit mediocre with some bad writing here and there, but other than that, this game slaps!

The combat is pretty nice, the game looks beautiful and runs really well, the world is fun to explore, the levels are all really interesting, and I like a few of the characters like Chris Redfield and Lady Demitrescu.

The last note is that the game isn't THAT scary. There is one level that is pretty scary, but like that's it. And even THAT area isn't nearly as scary as 7. I'd put this in between Re2 Remake and Re4.

I think with this game, I am a biiit disappointed but this isn't bad at all and I'll definitely see myself replaying in the near future. Still a fun time even if not as great as I expected.

It sucks how literally no one knew this was releasing until like a day before because this game still carries the subnautica name extremely well. It does do the job a little weaker than its predecessor and there are some technical problems that ruin the immersion in places but overall a neat sequel to the original game.