1 Review liked by Quatthro

can't really describe how much i loved this game, after many years of 2D Mario feeling kinda samey (but still entertaining tho), this game succeeded at surpassing all my expectations.

every level in the game feels unique and inspired, taking full advantage at what the game allows with it's mechanics and even more, the level designers went all out with each level making them all exciting, fun and even memorable, ranging from classic side-scrollers to even arenas, while always striking the perfect balance in difficulty making levels not only accesible for beginners but even some that are challenging for veterans, not a single level is like the last one and when it's similar it's used to expand upon previously introduced mechanics. gimmicks while being present don't take away anything from the experience and instead enrich it, even the ones that you will most likely see just once.

secrets are abundant from the purple coins, secret exits, to pipes and paths hidden in the world map and i always found it satisfactory when that "a ha!" moment kicks in, it reminded me a lot of how satisfying was to find secrets like that in older mario games.

the power ups are few but always contribute something to the already great level design, add the new badge system to mix and you can get not only multiple abilities from which you can choose from but also get new ways to play the levels, from some upgrades that will make get through the levels easier or challenge yourself messing around with stuff like running and moving at all the times or even make yourself invisible (if you are a masochist).

the game feels like a true successor to smb3 and world, feeling familiar yet always doing stuff that surprised me and kept me wondering (no pun intended) what's next.