Writing a review fueled by salt may not have been my best idea.

My initial review gave this game a 3/5 and called it inferior in every way to its predecessor. I had a rage quit moment during the final boss which led to me having to start from the first X-hunter level, which only further fueled my anger. I finally proclaimed that I would never touch this game and went to bed.
After sleeping on it, I decided to give the game another go from the start the very next day. Well, what do you know? I had a blast this time around!

I must say that I found less utility in X2's weapons compared to X, but I vastly prefer the new armor abilities, as well as the game giving you the dash from the start. Not having the dash from the get-go was one of my minor nitpicks in Mega Man X, so I'm really glad that they fixed it this time around.

Mega Man X2 is a splendid sequel, and I sure am glad that I gave it another chance.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
