The first time I completed MGR was on a PS3 borrowed from a friend, and I knew that someday I would want to own the game somehow, and since the physical version for PS3 was expensive, the Steam version remained. Especially since it has two short dlc's that I didn't check out when I first completed the game. And somehow, unlike me, I went through the whole thing again quickly after the first time. MGR is short, but so enjoyable. In fact, it's simply sensational. When creating some sort of a list of my most favorite games, I would definitely put it there. It's simply an exceptional production, because a Metal Gear Solid spin-off with a completely different type of gameplay, without Kojima's involvement, must have been a risky project. Meanwhile, I got something that unironically happens to be capably written story, and at other times, the funniest shitpost ever. A fascinating mix, and an engaging as well as enjoyable action game. Plus, it's impossible to forget those bosses and the songs that accompany them.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
