I finally started my adventure with Call of Duty. Never thought that I would do this, but let's just say that my curiosity finally won. Also, sometimes I need to expand my horizons or make a opinion about something by actually playing it.

Sadly, the thing is that ,,Call of Duty 3" matched my expectations too well. It's exactly how I viewed the series. Overdramatic, very much american portrayal of war with many scripts and dull dialogues. The story was rather unpleasant to follow and just forgettable. But it did annoy me a few times. I don't want to see the war presented as a spectacle.

As for the gameplay, it's acceptable. Especially since it was done in 8 months. I think that weapons sound good and have a good feeling to them. The problem is related to many limitations. Invisible walls, tight structure, not properly working AI at times and those scripted events... Also, I would say that all levels were too similar. I won't remember them tomorrow.

Overall, definitely not my type of game, but do I plan to check out other instalments of the series? I sure do and I will probably regret it.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2024
