I can't even say that I completed this game, cause... How am I supposed to do that?

But, let's start from the beginning. Booting game was already a warning for me. Why? Because I couldn't press X to continue. I was stuck even before seeing the menu. I had to change the gamepad and restart the game. Good beginning.

After getting to the menu, I'm shocked. Where are those tutorials that actually have any story in the game? I look for them and I can't find them. Turned out that they are blocked behind the PS Plus. What a joke. Thankfully, I got to play the game during one of the free weekends with online on PlayStation.

So, I finally start Specialist Headquarters, and I'm confused. What is this story? Who are those characters? What is the purpose behind all of this? I watch every single cutscene and I can't comprehend what I'm watching. Especially since the way they are presented is laughable. Just a pathetic attempt at creating a story. Also, I spent way too much time on those tutorials and matches with bots. I was forcing myself to finish them. Especially since I wanted Woods to shut the fuck up.

But it's not like there's nothing more for single player. There are Zombies! Yeah, Zombies... Uh, how should I say this... I heavily disliked them. That was my second attempt at playing this mode, and I honestly can't tell why people enjoy it. I'm not enjoying this formula and I just spent time on three maps doing whatever that came to my mind. But I just mostly wandered without knowing what I'm doing. And don't get me started on cutscenes, because those also confused me.

Finally, multiplayer. The last thing that I want to try when playing Call of Duty. And it's the biggest part of Black Ops 4. As you can already guess, I hate the game for the lack of campaing. No matter how shitty the story could be, I would at least say that there was any content kinda worth paying for. Meanwhile, just the thought that this game cost so much money while having so little content is horrible.

Oh, but there's Blackout! Yeah, that cheap battle royale that bored me after three matches. Sure, that was worth the full price.

Overall, I know that I'm not really a target for the series, but at least it's good to know that many fans consider this entry to be bad. There's really no excuse behind charging so much for this game and even locking some content behind dlc. And most importantly for me, I just didn't enjoy the multiplayer or zombies. I wish that I could get back those 7 hours of my life.

PS. One last thing. I can enjoy the game with only multiplayer, if it's actually done well and makes me want to play it. That would be ,,Star Wars: Battlefront" from 2015.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
