Starved for anything cing and love-de-lic-related, I decided to give this game a go. It's got a quiet and cutesy charm about its characters, dialogue and gameplay mechanics, and I was all about it for a while, got two or three bosses along. Loved hearing the renditions of famous classical pieces.

You've got to love watching your little army strutting about and micromanaging them, upgrading and expanding them. That's the be all end all for this game. Once I started tiring of watching them work, everything else went with it.

Also, that a game so adorable is so intrinsically about world domination is kind of nuts. Why am I hogging all these princesses? I guess I'm not fit to be a king. The nail in the coffin might have been when, during my last play session, I just couldn't get all my subjects up a small hill. I must've retried over twenty times, with growing frustration that something so simple can be so hard to compute. I guess it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
