Bought this DLC for the music. Didn't know who Terry was and didn't want to know who Terry was. All the things I knew were 1) Banger central, 2) He's obnoxious to fight, as usual.

I will say I have a greater appreciation for KOF as a Killer Instinct player than I do as a Smash Bros. player. Like I understand why down tilt is a chain and catches dodges.
But what doesn't make sense is Smash's approach to motion inputs: they artificially incentivize using them by making the motion specials fucking idiotic with intangibilty and cracked knockback. In KI, special strengths tend to be lateral, like being slower on startup but more plus on block, for example. But here it's just do a little more work for a lot more reward.

At some point you gotta ask yourself "Why am I playing this weird, watered-down mish-mash when I could be playing a real fighting game?"
I understand why he's this way as a billboard for SNK, but from a gameplay perspective these philosophies are incongruous IMO.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
