Played this in co-op with my girlfriend during Covid. She doesn't ever really play video games, but did play some Mario when she was younger.

We both loved this. We were honestly pretty sad once we had collected and completed everything. I love that they added the ability for a second player to play as Goo-uigi. Having a second character that can die without any real consequences is great for duos made of a gamer and a non-gamer. I imagine this would be a good game to play with a younger kid as well.

The game itself is standard Nintendo quality. Graphics look great, smooth gameplay, top notch music. I haven't played any Luigi's Mansion game since the original on Gamecube and this was a great way to come back to the series. Loved the settings of a hotel where each floor has a distinct theme.

Fun from start to finish.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2023
