Pretty underwhelmed by this DLC to be honest. I absolutely adored the base game when it came out, in fact it was my most played game by hour for last year. But this just didn't land for me. That might be my own fault, going into the expansion with already high-level, upgraded gear just meant it wasn't very challenging (although the Frozen Wilds DLC for the first Horizon handled this much better and WAS still a challenge for endgame players).

The story here is good, and the new area is gorgeous albeit a little repetitive and not as much stand out locations to break it up. Only a few of the new Legendary weapons are better than the base game weapons so not much worth chasing, but the new weapon you get in the story is pretty interesting.

The side missions were really not up to the main game standards for me. A whole set of collectibles where you fly along a boring path while listening to audiology? Thrilling...

Also really disappointed that there is basically only 2 (and a half) new machines. The most exciting but about playing new Horizon games is seeing what new machines they've added and how they fight. But one new big frog enemy with some crappy fly sidekicks, and then a water version of a Sunwing already in the base game just isn't enough.

Good parts: new story and characters are great additions to the base game. New area is pretty.

Bad parts: new weapons are upgrades. Not enough new machines. Side quests are dull.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
