what a game, improves on so much compared to Hitman 2 and then just spoils you with amazing missions, a few missions are kinda bad as always but whichever ones are there are absolutely bonkers good or at the very least slightly bad. But not horrible like some Hitman 2 missions. The most amount of "good" missions in the original series imo, the remakes were great and fun as well though since they are remakes of some poor missions they're great remakes and not great by themselves (except for the last one I liked it). An easy 9/10 though I'd find it a bit difficult to give it 9.5/10 due to its buggy and weird nature. Really like how its disguise system is better and then gets damn near perfected in Blood Money. People who praise Dark Souls 2 for laying the foundations for the later amazing games should look at this first, an awesome game in its own right though with some flaws, and lays solid foundations for the next games to build on. Had an absolute blas

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
