The most beautiful game I’ve ever played. The visuals and music and world and vibe alone make this a true classic that’s set apart from every other game I’ve played. But then you have the combat and progression and bosses and movement???? This is an all timer.

I tried this game a few years ago, played for like an hour or so and then dipped cause I didn’t know what to do. But after playing more open ended games like Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom, I decided to give this another shot.

The art style and music have the care and beauty of a Studio Gibli film. It has the same vibes that even though the world is haunting, it’s still quite beautiful.

It’s a hard game to get into a first, I had a simple list from a site of where to go at first. I eventually abandoned that after getting the hang of things.

The combat feels nice and fluid, again it just takes some time and upgrades to get that feeling of mastery.

AND THEN I GOT TO THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT!!! I did the secret ending with the true final boss and holy crap was is the most challenging and rewarding boss I’ve ever fought. It took me 4 hours but it was all so enjoyable and I literally screamed when I finally overcame that challenge. It made me feel like I could do anything.

That moment I achieved is why I was so glad I suck with this after the first few hours. This is a masterpiece of a video game….if you give it the time. I can totally understand someone playing this for an hour and then dropping out, cause I’ve done that too.

But, quite like the caverns of Hollow Nest, if you take the time to dive in and really explore you are in for one of the best gaming experiences of all time.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2024
