A brilliant game brimming with cool ideas and impactful moments that unfortunately takes too long and requires too much repetition for its own good.

The amount of effort needed to finish this game is insane, so at some point I just started following guides to progress on the game at all. Not only that, but some of the best moments of the game are guarded behind some of the most tedious hours of effort I've had to put into a game in my life. 

Which is a shame, because other than that, the game is amazing. The sokoban gameplay is great, the soundtrack is consistently good, and the story is intriguing enough to keep you hooked throughout the game. I don't think I've ever said so many "what"s and "ain't no way"s in any piece of media of this length.

TL;DR really good, I just wish it was shorter and gave me more tools to skip the tedious parts once I've already completed them 

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
