The mecha game about the egyptian robots with massive fucking cocks is actually really good. I had it on the PS2 when I was a teenager but never beat it, and decided on a whim to get it and finish it on PC, and I’m glad I did.

Gameplay is extremely fun and snappy even if simple
Story is your average mecha anime compressed into an action game. Voice acting and parts of the script in general are god awful but its par for the course
One of the few mecha games I could genuinely recommend to someone.

This is a remastered version for the PC and I think it’s really good (though it helps that the PS2 original was a technical masterpiece just like everything Kojima’s team puts out (reminder, PRODUCED by Hideo Kojima)). Don’t have a VR headset to try out the VR mode even though I wanted to puke so much.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
