This game is a huge disappointment to me.

I loved the first dragon's dogma and played it on ps3 when it released. It was weird and clearly unfinished but the combat and unique approach to gameplay was enough to make it as one of the best games of the generation for me.

When DD 2 was announced i was hyped. With the promise of being a sequel with more dev time and resources, i felt like this would be the complete DD experience we were once promised.

What we got is a game that struggles to push the series forward and sometimes feels even like a step backwards of the original.

Combat as always is cool but classes have been streamlined, some feel better (like warrior feels awesome), but mages feel worse than before and have like half of the spells. Some classes were removed and new ones were added, but ultimately it feels like they could just added new ones without removing previous ones.

Monsters are still very well animated and visuals are amazing, but for some reason they removed a lot of creatures the first game had, while also filling the game with the same goblins and saurians over and over. It feels overkill to have to kill thousands of them by the end of a playthrough.

The map feels bigger than ever and at first it looks like exploration is amazing, but once you understand areas are not well balanced and if you always go south you get better equipment, thus making exploring the other zones worthless.

There is also a surprising lack of endgame. Dragon's dogma had a awesome take on the endgame. The world and spawns changed when you completed the game, making cool to explore again. This time we got the unmoored world, which i beat in like 2 hours and the bosses felt copy pasted. Way worse than the original.

Story is still a mess.

My conclusion is that this game should be a better dragon's dogma, with more content, more classes, more monsters, etc. Instead for everything new, something is removed, the world is bigger than ever but full of worthless enemies and loot and story is still mumbo jumbo.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
