Holy shit this was so over the top. Some scenes were really funny because of this, intentionally or not. Suffice to say, not for the faint of heart. If you get a kick out of extreme violence this'll be fun for you. At points you can hear the mic popping from the voice actresses screaming so loudly, every time it happened I was like "LETS FUCKING GOOOO". In the staff comments one of the voice actresses says she lost her voice from screaming so much. I hope this spells the return for black cyc, the fact this was so quickly translated was insane when no other cyc title (as far as I know) has even gotten partial fan translations. It's niche, but I sincerely hope it was a success in that fucked up niche.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

real as fuck ratsune i hope we get an eng black cyc renaissance... ive always wanted to play extravaganza without using an awful mtl program