I played the NES version back when I thought them as 'good for their times but near unplayable for today', over the years my opinion changed. Yes most of them were too frustrating to play but I also played fun games like Batman (1989), Moon Crystal, Kirby's Adventure, etc and I always thought about this game because at that time it didn't felt right to me. Slippery controls, weird momentum, bad enemy placements, water levels that are literal torture, etc. but after playing some NES games that are actually fun I knew that I had to give this game one more chance but of course, I postponed it again and again and again. Recently I was looking into my SNES backlog and I saw the All Stars and started this game right away. I still think those things that I didn't like are still present in this game but this time I loved it because I saw the harmony in the game. What I'm trying to say is on paper this game has a lot of flaws but everything works great with each other. I can't say it works perfectly because I still think water levels and enemy placements are shit but other than that everything works just fine in a magical way and believe me when I say 'magical' I mean it, as a person who avoids using labels I just can't think of any other word that can describe this game better than magical.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
