In Vanquish you play as DARPA research assistant Sam, a cigarette-smoking jet.. man. After the cyber-Soviets microwave San Francisco, it's up to you to save the day.

If that sounds bizarre, well, the story is nonsensical, the writing is laughably bad and extremely cheesy (pro?) to the point you can't really understand anyone's real motives (..con). As for the gameplay: although it's fun, it doesn't really do more than run and gun. Or should that be "jet and reset"?.. over and over and over.

I will say that, yes, it looks incredible and may be one of the few examples of a rotating space habitat put to screen, but I'm torn as to whether I'd recommend anyone play Vanquish. Took me about 5 hours on easy (not easiest) mode. I kept coming back for more, so I guess it was just about worth my time.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
