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This DLC straight up SLAPS.
At first I wasn't sure if the 25-30€ I paid for this were justified, but this DLC comes with 3 story parts, a lot of fun but hard boss fights and a final "secret" boss that just tests your skill to the MAX.

The first DLC portion was a little slow to get started because it makes you redo some parts of the main game climax, but it actually lets you fight as other characters to switch things up which I gladly accepted. We also get some(!) answers to what happened after KH3, but it still leaves everything ambitious.

The second part of the DLC is about fighting data versions of the real Organization XIII. And boy oh boy let me tell you:
For those boss fights I had to grind to lvl 99 and get the Ultima keyblade to have a chance. Those boss fights are some of the greatest we've ever got. They are tough but mostly very readable. After I got lvl 99 and Ultima it got a lot easier, although I still had to concentrate and actually think about what I'm doing.

The third DLC part is the smallest but also the hardest.
The boss fight against Yozora.
I had to take a lot of tries and actually learn his moveset over hours to actually beat him. It was hard, frustrating... but also a lot of fun because it's just so damn cool.

So yeah, this DLC is pretty much essential for the game and has some of the best stuff for any KH fan in my opinion. I hope KH4 isn't too far away and we can have a lot of fun with it.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
