If you enjoy character creation and giving your characters a theme to stick with and love Dragon Ball, this game is well worth it's sale price. Between the accumulation of minor issues and the most OK story ever though, it's hard to recommend it at full price with the game's age. Still, the game still gets free updates including a new raid boss and has a ton of dlc available to you if you want more. I know that wall of dlc looks intimidating but trust me when I say the base game holds up. Just don't expect a mechanically strong fighter or anything wait for the next budokai tenkaichi or get Fighterz.

For me personally, I've loved my time with the game and the game makes it fun to try build up a cosplay build even if the Dragon Drip is limiting at times. If I could give my biggest gripes to this game, it'd be being unable to change a lot of equipment color, mainly iconic ones from the series, an occasional lack of polish, and the game not giving the player that many chances for serious role playing.

The game is also kind mid visually if you don't mess around with the settings. Here's what I did at a 1080p monitor that satisfied me:
Turn off the glare and Depth of Field.
The glare doesn't really look great but is maybe fine on low, but the depth of field looks rancid and just makes the game blurry rather than actually adding a proper depth of field effect.
Next turn off fxaa and enable anti aliasing via your graphics card software. You'll probably wanna turn this off when you're not playing the game to avoid messing with other games or applications.
Lastly, this was the big one for me and makes the anti aliasing a little redundant, was enabling virtual super resolution and running the game at 4k. I did this just fine on a rx 5600 xt and it's an old game, so I wouldn't worry too much about the words 4k here if performance is a concern. This makes things look really sharp and really clean for me.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2023
