Log Status






Time Played

10h 33m

Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

August 31, 2023

First played

August 24, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I first played Dark Moon when it released a decade ago, and i remember that i liked it, then had a weird dislike for it as i learned about the creativity of the ghosts in the original. Now, after playing Luigi's Mansion and Dark Moon back to back, i think my final verdict is that i like both games for different reasons. The original gives you a big mansion that can be explored in a few hours, leaving an adventure that can be pretty fun, seeing all of the portrait ghosts, while Dark Moon offers lots of replay value, with the boos, gems, and all of the gold medals. There's a Switch port coming next year that i totally forgot about, so if you'd like to check it out, go right ahead! And check out the original while you're at it c: