I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. First lets get a few of the cons out of the way, the combat gets boring after a while, there are a few annoying bugs and the dialogue can sometimes be put together weirdly.

However it has a lot of pros I think, the story is really great and I love the approach to the game about being diplomatic with everyone for best results. Each faction was unique and interesting, along with each companion having their own compelling stories. The story was always very interesting and felt unique, the world built in this game is a very interesting one.

There are a very different endings, but the one I got I very much enjoyed and thought it was great. I wish the romance part of the game was more in depth, but it was still great. You will get some very sweet moments with the person you romance and I love that, and there is a very nice moment at the end of the game too. The story is touching, and despite there being a clear best ending, even it comes with a bit of sadness. Although the end brought a lot of closure and left all the relationships I had built on a sweet note.

This was a great game and has much of what I love about Dragon Age. These style of RPGs are some of my favorites and I hope for more like them. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone, and to also support a small developer in Spiders, and I think I'll check out more of their games.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2022


1 year ago

I agree with all the above. Having played all their titles so far this has been their best wher their experience has pulled together most. I think they only have 30 - 50 staff and a tiny budget yet manage to put out some really interesting games to rival much bigger companies imo.

Mars War Logs and it's sequel Technomancer are both good games though certainly rough around the edges. The setting is awesome on Mars Cyberpunk but the gameplay to them is rough compared with Greedfall which has some rough edges itself. I would recommend them most of Spiders previous output though.

Their next game SteelRising is a Soulslike where you play a clockwork automata during an alternative history French Revolution. Their settings are always awesome.

1 year ago

I thought SteelRising looked pretty interesting, might try that out one day. The two Mars games also seem like something I might have fun with and something I'd probably pick up if they were ever on sale