An incredibly charming and creative RPG. I've always been a huge fan of the Mario and Luigi games so it was fun to go back and see the roots of a lot of the concepts.

I think the game starts pretty boring sadly, the prologue while charming just has no depth to it, and Chapter 2 is a bit of a slog, with Chapter 1 being nice since it introduces 2 more party members to play around with, as well as incredibly memorable characters.

Chapter 4 I think is where the game truly starts picking up and allows you to play with the games biggest strength, which is the badge system. Being able to equip a bunch of different badges (with point limits) to affect your strategy adds much more depth to this game, with fun strats like low HP setups and double dipping to do insane damage with items. It makes every fight later on play out really interestingly to try to find ways to optimize your damage while not dying yourself.

Otherwise it's a pretty run of the mill Mario game, it's got a lot of good dialogue and fun environments, but I think it's overall kind of bare-bones outside of it's excellent badge system and fun partner strategies. I think it's overwhelming charm is mostly what elevates it to a pretty good game from just a decent one.

4 Jr Troopa Workout Regimens/10

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2021
