Felt nice to finally say I beat it, especially fun contrasting it with the most recent Metroid game, Dread. I always find it crazy to think this was a game made around the time as the first Zelda.

I don't think this game is nearly as competently made as that but it's a pretty fun platforming game for the time and it does still have that satisfying sense of progression that was later mastered in newer games.

I try my best to look at this in the sense of a game at the time, and I think it's pretty good, but now the fact that every map looks samey and the EXTREME amount of grinding (gets a little better in the end game with metroids dropping 30 of items as well as having the screw attack) but it makes the early game really annoying and was a major reason I never beat the game until now.

This game is pretty much obsoleted by Zero Mission, but probably worth checking out for the historical curiousity, and I think outside of those two things the game is quite charming and fun.

I can also shoutout Metroid mOTHER + 99 Hack, while I haven't played it all the way through, and I did this run purely vanilla, it does address those issues mainly, starting with full health after you die, as well as adding a minimap you can use! If you want to play Metroid with a more modern touch I'd play this hack but I really suggest trying it in it's original form first.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
