"Took them 24 years but they finally managed to make a good Xeno game" - Kylian, probably.

Damn this game fucking SLAPS. I did not expect it to be this good, hearing it's main influence being Xeno I expected it to just be something I'd moderately enjoy, at worst drop after 15 hours and never think about again.

What I got is the best indie RPG I've ever played and something that's as good as some of the classics.

This game is basically everything I love about the genre, good dungeon design, complex battle system with some nice but light customization, while also emphasizing the uniqueness of each character, a story that's compelling but isn't just a goddamn movie (I'd say of my 31 hour playtime, maybe 5 of them were cutscenes.) Characters are lovely, I can definetly see the archetypes they were inspired from but the games writing is so charming and everything is paced so tightly that I never felt like it was a bore, which is a problem a lot of JRPG writing can run into.

The combat feels very much in it's own field, the overdrive system is so unique that I even made the mechanic tougher to invest more into it, It was that fun to manage the bar alongside trying to win fights as fast as possible. The gear combat I like slightly less then the human combat but unlike something like Xenogears, it's fun enough that it carries the handful of hours you spend in them.

Honestly it's hard to not gush about this game in every aspect but don't let the artstyle fool you, this is a game that wears it's influence on it's sleeve but feels very unique in it's own right. I would say it's primary influences are Xeno and Final Fantasy Ivalice (Tactics and XII, especially Tactics). so If you dig the storylines in those games, you'll love this one.

Surprisingly I'm not crazy for most of these stories (outside of FFT) so I was kinda shocked how much I liked this one.

This game is just crazy fucking fun and investing in every aspect and I can't recommend it enough. I know a lot of people on this site are willing to instantly dismiss indie games but there's definetly a great handful of them and this is sure as hell one of them.

TL;DR: Chained Echoes is everything I love about this stupid ass genre, Victor best boy.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023


kylian ratio

1 year ago

Game is called Chained Echoes but I don't hear shit!