Great game that gets pretty boring in the last four months. By that point you most likely have a fully plowed field with grass, a lot of cows and chickens, and a kid. So there's not much else to do but feed your animals to keep them alive and grind out cash.

Once I hit the requirements for the best ending in early Spring Year 3, I called it quits, good game and what a great entrance for the genre!

If you wanna play like I did, Requirements for the best ending are

1) Get Married
2) Have 2 Kids
3) Have 12 cows and 12 chickens (some sources say 1 of each, but I'm pretty sure it's 12)
4) Plow your entire farm and fill it with grass
5) Hug your dog at least 100 times throughout the playthrough (Press A to pick him up, works once a day.)
6) Have at least 10,000 G on hand (free if you've done all the other stuff)

Have fun!!!!

My ranch score was 814/999, From what I looked up most of my points were lost from not all my cows being maxed affection and mostly ignoring NPCs that weren't my wife.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023


1 year ago

1) Get Married
2) Have 2 Kids
3) Have 12 cows and 12 chickens (some sources say 1 of each, but I'm pretty sure it's 12)
4) Plow your entire farm and fill it with grass
5) Hug your dog at least 100 times throughout the playthrough (Press A to pick him up, works once a day.)
6) Have at least 10,000 G on hand (free if you've done all the other stuff)

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my harvest moon family is dying
6 things you'll never do toaster..

probably like 200,000g idk.

1 year ago

wanna get married?
Sure hop on Stardew MP