fuck this one eyeball in particular

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023


4 months ago

I will turn this into a real review later but I am tired asf man

4 months ago

This question may sound a bit dumb, but do I need to play all three FE: Fates games to "enjoy" the game in its entirety? I don't really understand how these three games work. Can I play just one of them and ignore the other two, or are they different routes, or sort of one game divided into three parts that need to be played to get the full experience?

4 months ago

@IgorSales Conquest, Birthright, and Revelation are all different routes, each with their own story being told. The first two make up the major, narrative thread being told in the background, which is what Revelation covers (this is also why, it's recommended both in-game and by others to save it for last). Each of them also has their pros and cons in regards to gameplay, but it's generally agreed that Conquest is the best of the trio in this category, while Revelation is the worst, mainly cause it worsens the already bad parts like the Gimmick Missions.

So, if you want to see everything Fates has in store, you have to do all three paths. If you just want to do one and be completely statisfied, pick Conquest. If you want to breeze through it with little issue, pick Birthright.

4 months ago

@BlazingWaters I see, thanks man. To be honest, most of my interest in this game came from Camilla, so maybe I'll end up just playing Conquest.