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In my opinion this is the best that a Musou crossover has ever felt. It has a lot of the strengths of P5S and HW:AoC, but without the grind of Persona's combat (subjective on my end admittedly) and the lack of visual fidelity the second Hyrule Warriors brought. The combat arts and unique abilities that each character has bring a lot of variety for each of the move-sets, only a few characters will play the exact same (looking at you Raphael, Dedue, and Caspar).

I personally loved the story, though I'm also already a big fan of 3H. This game's reliance on your knowledge of that game's lore means much of the story and supports assumes you already have the background knowledge necessary to fully understand it, which is a plus for fans who don't want to rehash and a negative for literally everybody else. A huge part of this game is fanservice and improving where 3H faltered, from it's new characters, to improvements in the UI and cutscene engine, to alternate character interpretations for Edelgard and Dimitri, who never have to go to the incredibly dark places they did in 3H. The opposite is true for Claude, rather than the player just being told he's a sneaky manipulative boy who in reality come off squeaky clean next to the other lords and Rhea, we actually get to see him demonstrate shades of moral gray. The writing definitely has flaws, especially Azure Gleam, but you can tell that this isn't just some cash grab game, it really fells like an extension of the 3H with a new playstyle.

Also, for everyone saying "who cares, this is a what-if," the original game had four irreparably conflicting storylines, there is absolutely no such thing as a canon storyline in this game world and these three are just as valid.