A nice lovely 1-2 hour long trip around an island/campsite remote area. The dialogue felt genuine, as real people would talk. The art style was cute, but personally I turned off the pixel filter and enjoyed it better that way. All the characters looked like generic Animal Crossing characters, but the lighting and scale made them feel natural. The gameplay of walking around an island and interacting with everyone and aiding them with their small little interests was just a nice escape from after I finished my finals. The soundtrack on at sea level was lovely and calming, but heading to the peak, the piano made me reminisce over scaling mountains in Zelda Breath of the Wild. Reaching the top truly felt like I went on a journey, despite how short of a game it was. Also very fun to control the Claire thanks to how fast the stamina recharges and the simplicity of gliding.
Overall just a very well rounded and precise short game that filled me with the exact feeling it was trying to convey.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
