One of the things I loved the most about the first Dark Souls was it's passive multiplayer features. Hearing bells being rung by other players, miracle boosting spots, vagrants.. those were just small things that made the experience cooler and for a game that is slow and heavy, it's always nice to see other players. This sadly was only for the first dark souls. Every other game in the franchise (including elden ring) doesn't have anything like it and it really makes me sad.

I used to think Dark Souls 1 was the perfect example of passive multiplayer but Death Stranding goes above and beyond in this and it's something I adore. When logged in, you can see player structures or lost cargo that you can pickup and use for your playthrough. Nier Automata had something similar but to me it wasn't performed too well. They were just bloodstains from dark souls.
Receiving help from other players and going out of your way for helping others it's amazing. It's open world is not bloated with dumb content as the content itself is how you traverse through the different routes that the game offers to you. There are a few things scattered around to make the offline experience not as bad, but for the most part; online is where it's at.

There is a specific mechanic in this game that has really blown my mind which is trailblazing. When you or other people go through the same path multiple times, the path will become dirt and softer. This allows you to go your destination quicker and safer and I don't know it's so fucking cool to know that I can help others just by walking, people pleasers heaven fr fr

The story of this game is told in a way that respects the consumer. It is usually shown or told but not explained and it's not like the games needs to be explained, really. It is an incredibly original story with concepts that are new but easily explained due to the lack of need for details.

The gameplay itself is fantastic and rewards skill without being too hard to get into. I love the peaceful sections but the action ones can also be interesting, specially given how killing humans can often make things worse unless you're willing to be responsible for those deaths.

It's a great game but I understand it can be a hit or miss for a lot of people.
If you don't mind games where you're not actively shooting or in danger at all times such as Stardew Valley, games where you need to stop and plan ahead without much action like the first dark souls game, then you're gonna be okay. This is not a walking simulator. It can be very stressful at times but for the most part it's quite chill.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2023
