Audio is one of the most important parts of any horror game. Hell, I would argue that it is THE most important thing to do well when creating a horror game. When I heard this game was designed around voice proximity voice chat, I knew it was gonna be amazing but I wasn't ready for the absolute gem that this game's audio design has.

As soon as you enter a game, you'll notice how grotesque everything looks, sounds and feel. The UI showing your cracked helmet, the footsteps in your metal ship emphasizing how heavy your boots are, the way you "press the brakes" whenever you change to an opposite direction... all of these pieces get together and make you feel suffocated, dirty, and tired. This is how Lethal Company sets the tone and begins to make you uncomfortable in just a matter of seconds. This is the base level of comfort that the game will throw at you and it doesn't get safer than this and I love it.

After learning how the terminal works, you get to a moon and enter the facility, where the game actually starts. Monsters barely make a sound but they're all very distinguishable from eachother. Most of the time, you won't hear anything but the ambient noise. Filled with metal creaking, landmines beeping, or even fireplaces but.. try and think how any of those things I mentioned sound. Now make it crunchy and dry. That's every noise in this game. No sound sounds as you would expect it and if it does, it's 10 times worse than you imagined and I adore that.

Let's address the elephant in the room; Voice chat.
In this game, Voice Chat is so well done and optimized that if you're underwater, your voice will sound all "wobbly". If a monster is suffocating you, your voice will sound muffled. Fuck, if you inhale helium, your pitch will go higher too because this game is fucking amazing.
Your teammate's voice will bounce in the walls as you would expect it to happen IRL in a place like that. I have zero fucking idea how the developer did this, I am intrigued, fascinated and scared at how perfected this is.

Everything is so well done and achieved that when doing it with friends, you can't avoid but laugh and have a fun time and the developer is well aware of this.
While the amount of monsters and items are not a lot, they're all unique and memorable due to the way everything interacts with the player(s). If a spider kills someone, they will be wrapped in webs and left to dangle in its nest. Everything has a way to counter it and play around, making it always fun and unnerving to get into a new moon.

It's a game where you constantly adapt around it's circumstances. It's punishing, it's fun, and I can understand how it's "trial and error" nature can turn some people off, which is why this being a coop game is just perfect.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
