Every end of the year I get nostalgia for Vallhalla, and at first I didn't understand why until I saw that the story took place in December and I was like "oooohhhhhhhh".
The 2022 timeline lines up perfectly with Vallhalla, so my girlfriend and I decided to play it! I had played it before, but she never finished it, so that was another reason to replay it.

re-reading it I realized that when I first played it in 2019, I understood little to nothing of the political and socio-economic contexts presented (thanks disco elysium for forcing me to understand them) so understanding them from a non-superficial point of view made me enjoy Vallhalla even more. In addition, each day that passed, the dev posted what he thought when writing the day, curious facts and cute tidbits of the development of each day ingame.

I think what I enjoyed the most about playing it with my partner is that we would take the topics that were being discussed off screen and talk to each other about what we thought or past experiences regarding X. That definitely increased our playtime, and if vallhalla already touches on several deep and painful topics, we would expand on them and it makes me laugh because I make this sound like a bad thing, but it genuinely improved our enjoyment by like 10,000%, genuinely talking to her about different deep things (while drinking alcohol) was super fun and cozy bsdvsvsvs.

final verdict; Jill is female Ryan Gosling ((literally me))

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
