It was very difficult to finish Disco Elysium. At the beginning because I was very overwhelmed with the decisions, the time and the whole show, but with time I got used to it, however that difficulty to finish it was still there and I didn't know why... and I started to think about the game more and more, and its possible ending, but the truth was useless. The great strength that DE has, is the delivery, the way they tell and show and develop things and the freedom of the player to tackle problems, however it is a police game and a crime investigation.
No matter how much you change the way you investigate, the culprit must always be the same. The crime must have happened the same way, and that's when I started to enjoy disco elysium a lot more because I stopped thinking about the killer, I stopped thinking about the crime... I started thinking about how I would conduct the investigation, I started thinking about how I would arrange my life in Harry's shoes and that's what makes DE so special. That personalization in the way you discover and solve things and how it all comes together.

I really love the narrator's voice and the humor that the game has, how the developers play with skillchecks and make some skillchecks better to fail than to do them right and personally this at first really pissed me off because I felt sorry for doing something wrong or that I didn't see right, but at the same time, it's a common part of life that things don't work out as we expect them to. DE has these skill check modifiers that can be discovered by choosing different dialogue options. These modifiers can be positive or negative and I remember one very vividly which is the karaoke skill check. The only option that is not a skillcheck is "approaching the microphone". Getting close to the microphone gives you a negative modifier because "harry is now very close to the microphone" and that's fucking genius.

DE was a unique experience that I love and hold dear to my heart. It is truly one of those games that I wish I could forget and play again from the beginning.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
