I used to watch other people play Amnesia: The Dark Descent when it was popular to do so, skip some years and I decided to try it for myself. There’s no doubt that it showed its age, but that was to be expected. I loved the Lovecraftian themes in the story, I ate up every little morsel I could. As for the gameplay itself, I think the sanity was done well—many other games have tried to replicate it for a reason—but it’s certainly an acquired taste. The physics based puzzles were a favourite, Frictional's mechanics always satisfying to me.

While the enemies were fine, I will say it lost something after realising most of the monsters despawned after not seeing me for a few minutes. It was easy to avoid them, danger mostly an illusion. Not entirely a bad thing, but rather than being obstacles that posed a threat, they were obstacles that wasted time.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
