After everything I've gone through with the other parts of Quake 2, I think this one is actually good. Not great, but its better than the rest of this game so far. Rather, I think it just kinda understood how to merge the cadence of Quake 1 that I loved a lot with Quake 2; mostly. Ground Zero still keeps a lot of the frustrating aspects of the base game in tact unfortunately. It even goes further with them in some cases such as basically making every other corner a monster closet of some kind so you hit a trigger and then get your back filled with plasma. Honestly it may just be me growing numb to Quake 2's bs and knowing I was almost done with the original release and its expansions but these frustrations didn't bother me as much as I feel like they should have.

Not really sure how to describe it I think the levels and encounter scaling just generally connected to me better for Ground Zeroes. I did enjoy the new weapons such as the new machine gun variant, the plasma beam, and the tesla traps. I feel like these actually felt decently heavy hitting which is rare for weapons in this game. The final boss was also probably the best Quake boss fight so far. Which isn't saying much given its competition but hey, its something. I had fun with Ground Zero more than the rest of Quake 2 and thats kinda all I have left to say on it. I'm honestly surprised I enjoyed this this much given everything but hey, sometimes things are just like that. Time to play Quake 2 N64 I guess since that is apparently an entirely different game this time.


Reviewed on May 20, 2024
