I finished the first season of the Fallout TV show on Amazon, and it was pretty good! Since it's considered canon to the games' timeline/lore, I thought it'd be time to get into this franchise. Fallout 76 is the first entry in the timeline, and I thought I'd have no issues playing it after all these years it's been released. Little did I know that it's still a big mess to deal with...Here are all the issues I've encountered within the first 2 hours of playing it:

• The first time I booted up the game, I was greeted with a black screen with audio playing in the background. For some reason, the game can't run anything above 60 Hz. The only way to fix this is to change your refresh rate before you launch the game. You can then change it afterward to whatever you'd like, but I shouldn't have to do this each time.

• Running in-game just stopped working once I hit the 2-hour mark of my playthrough. Restarting the game didn't help at all, so not having the ability to run just made me not want to continue playing.

• Some sound effects were missing/muted, which killed the immersion a bit for me.

• Last but not least, the game made my PC crash TWICE! 😂

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

This is the weakest and most grindy game in the Fallout Franchise. I would honestly go play Fallout 4 since its a decent bridge between the modern games and the older ones. Save Fallout 1 and 2 for last. Playing them cronologically really isn't that important as each game is built to be sort of stand alone. Also the show was so awesome.